Κυρίαρχη Συχνότητα. Ο Ρόλος της στην Κατάλυση της Κολπικής Μαρμαρυγής

Β’ Καρδιολογικό Τμήμα, Γ.Ν.Α. «Ο ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΣΜΟΣ»   Modification of atrial substrate is a necessary complement in patients with non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. Radiofrequency ablation guided by intracardiac electrograms  is a method used in several studies with various results. Complexity of atrial fibrillation electrograms makes signal analysis almost impossible in time domain but frequency domain analysis is a powerful tool which overtakes this barrier. Dominant frequency is an outcome of atrial electrogram[…]